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VCE Prep

VCE Journey Begins here

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Qs VCE Prep program has entered a new era. Our new course design will help students become better equipped with their VCE learning. This VCE Model has a stronger link to their subjects choices and a major target focus to the students common weaknesses. VCE Prep is the starting point of the three-year journey. 

Course MAP

Typing on a Computer
English / Writing 

1 Hr English 

1 Hr Writing 


1.5 Hrs Maths


1.5 Hrs Science 

Term 1 Chemistry 

Term 2 Physics 

Term 3 Biology 

Term 4 Elective VCE Sci Intensive Course 

VCE Prep English/ Writing is the base foundation for future success in VCE English. Our Excellent and experienced VCE English Teachers are here to lay that brickwork for our students. These skills will ensure that our VCE Prep Students have the necessary tools to read, write, speak and listen. So our students will thrive and strive under all circumstances.

VCE Prep Maths is the beginning and the Foundation of Methods and Specialists. During the first 2 terms, we will be covering year 10 Maths while in terms 3 and 4 we will officially enter unit 1 of Maths Methods and Specialist Maths. Giving our VCE students a head start and right on track with study plans and schedules. 

To better cater for the needs of VCE students. Qs VCE Prep Science program became the NEW Qs Science Model. All year 10 students will finalise VCE subjects by term 3 in their day school. Therefore Qs we offer 3 Science subjects in terms 1 - 3 to help students evaluate these subjects before finalising their subject selection at school. During Term 4 students are able to select their science subject and dive into our VCE science-intensive program to have a head start in the subject of their choice.  

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